Stanley Weber was a long-time member of the Kalamazoo Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited. Stan was part owner of Lew Hubbard’s Men’s Clothing Store and an avid troutsman. He had property on the Boardman River near Traverse City and spent most of his summers there. After his retirement Stan spent the winter months fishing in Florida. Stan passed away in 1998 and named the chapter as a beneficiary of his estate. The Stanley Weber Projects Fund was established in his memory and provides funds to organizations for the betterment of conservation and coldwater fisheries.
Grant Funding Guidelines
The fund supports
The Stanley Weber Projects fund gives priority to projects that benefit coldwater fisheries and their habitats through conservation, preservation, restoration and education, and that:
- Have non-profit, 501(c)(3) status.
- Encourage additional and permanent funding or matching gifts from other donors.
- Represent an innovative, start-up effort or a capital project (e.g. construction, renovation or equipment).
- Supply the final dollars to a challenge grant or a project requiring matching funds.
- Yield substantial benefits for the resources invested.
- Are consistent with Stanley Weber’s interest in year round resident trout.
- Encourage the involvement of volunteers and youth.
The fund generally does not support
- Individuals.
- Ongoing operating expenses of established institutions.
- Promotional films, videos or television projects.
- Political projects or those that are related primarily to a political cause.
- Religious organizations for religious purposes.
- Sabbatical leaves or scholarly research.
- Travel, tours and trips, or the underwriting of conferences.
- Venture capital for competitive profit-making activities.
Grant Application Guidelines
Purpose of the fund
- The Stanley Weber Projects Fund values projects that benefit the conservation, preservation and restoration of coldwater fisheries and their habitats. The fund also supports education of the public on these issues.
- Each year, the fund makes grants totaling no more than $5,000.
- The fund requests recognition of its grants through acknowledgement of the Stanley Weber Projects Fund and Kalamazoo Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited on plaques placed on site or announcements made in the local media.
- After an application has been filed, a site visit will be scheduled if necessary. Outside of this process, the fund discourages personal interviews with fund committee members and other members of Kalamazoo Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited. Any indication of interest initiated by a fund committee member or other members of Kalamazoo Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited shall not be construed as a commitment in support of the request.
- Form letters are neither reviewed nor acknowledged.
- Projects should not discriminate in hiring staff or providing services on the basis of race, gender, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, age, national origin or disability.
Proposal Deadlines
Proposals must be received by February 15. The fund committee will make its decisions by March 15 and will notify all applicants of its decisions by April 1. Address all proposals and inquires to: Applications are available through the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, 151 South Rose Street, Suite 332, Kalamazoo, MI 49007. The completed application must be addressed to the Kalamazoo Community Foundation and postmarked no later than February 15. The successful candidate will be notified in the spring and will receive the grant upon his/her return of a letter of acceptance for the award. For additional information. Contact the Donor Relations Officer, Scholarships, (269) 381-4416, Kalamazoo Community Foundation.
How to apply for a grant
- Applicants should complete the (see application link at bottom on page) grant application cover sheet and submit it with the grant proposal before the deadline.
- Submit one (1) electronic copy of the Grant Application Cover Sheet, Full Proposal and Attachments to be received no later than February 15.
- Enclose a cover letter introducing your organization and your proposal.
- All proposals must be typed.
- Please include only materials requested at this time.
- Please do not send videotapes or faxes.
Grant Application Format
Please provide the following information in this order. Use these headings, subheadings and numbers provided on your own word-processing format, thus leaving flexibility for length of response.
- Narrative
- Executive summary
- Begin with a 200 word summary explaining why your organization is requesting this grant; what out-comes you hope to achieve; and how you would spend the funds.
- Purpose of grant
- Statement of needs/problems to be addressed, a description of the target resource or population, and how it/they would benefit.
- Description of project goals and objectives (measurable, if possible) and statement as to whether this is a new or ongoing project.
- Plans to accomplish goals and objectives with a timetable for implementation.
- Evaluation
- Plans for evaluation, including how success will be defined and measured and how it will be reported to the fund.
- Budget narrative
- List the amounts that have been requested from other funding sources.
- Describe long-term strategies for funding and maintenance anticipated with this project after the grant period.
- In the event that we cannot fund your full request, please indicate priority items in the proposed grant budget.
- Executive summary
- Attachments
- A copy of the current IRS determination letter indicating 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
- Letters of support (optional).
- Narrative
Click on the Application link below to save or print the application.